I hope you had a great time with me
استمتعتو معي
A name that comes to my mind
اسم بيخطر عبالي
People we're fascinated by her skills
الموهوبة سرقت قلوب الناس
بالاخر تلحق شغفها
His random thoughts
بتتضمن خواطرو
This keeps her close to the heart of her followers
بخليها اقرب لقلب متابعينها
Because of his beautiful writing
بسبب كتاباتو الملهمة
They don't just wait for
بطلوا ينطروا
This is new so we have never seen or heard of it
جديدة ما بعمرنا سمعنا او عرفنا فيها
We have to support her
لازم ندعمها و نشجع عليها
Look, this is Lebanon
لك هيدا لبنان
From the mountains and rivers to the fields
من جبال و انهر و بحور
They will profit off of it
يستفيدو منها